Taking a risk with venue hire



As an independent consultant, I’ve often found myself in the position of wanting to run a workshop about a topic that interests me, but not being confident of selling enough tickets to cover the cost of venue hire.

For most consultants, committing to a venue hire and catering package is a big risk. You might need to commit to minimum numbers to secure the venue, which could set an almost impossible ticket-sales target. Forget trying to earn some money, you might not even cover your costs.

Of course, I’ve solved my venue problem by opening my own space. These day I can run workshops whenever I want to, in a room designed to suit my needs.

I’m responding to the consultants’ venue dilemma by offering risk-free venue hire for people who want to run a workshop.

Instead of asking you to commit to a full venue-hire free up front, I’m offering my training venue on a per-person basis.

My idea is that I’ll accept a percentage of your ticket-sales income, up to the advertised rate for our rooms.

If you sell only a few tickets to your event, you pay only a small room-hire fee. If your event sells well, I get my normal fee and you make a good profit.

This offer is designed to help independent consultants who want to try their skills at running workshops. It’s also designed to promote my new venue, and I’ll be asking you to sing our praises if you’re happy with what we do.

You can find more information at our Northside Meetings website – www.northsidemeetings.com.au.

Of course, my problem hasn’t gone away. Now I’ve got my own space, but running that space leaves me with little time for my own projects!